pasties handmade with high desert ingredients
and humbly offered in Central Oregon.
Join our Underground Pasty Club!

**Please note**
Jess, Peoples Pies sole owner / operator / pasty producer,
is on maternity leave through 2021.
If you are interested in getting on our pie club list

for when things resume,
please email
thank you!

“Delicious, creative, and ultra local. Jess really shows she cares about every pie that goes out!” – Laurie

“The Peoples Pies have been an absolute life line for me this winter. I’m a nurse with two jobs. Having great, locally made healthy food to come home to after a long stretch of shifts is a god send. ” -Billie

“I had the mushroom pie, and it was hands down the best meal I’ve eaten all month! So delicious! I’d eat People’s Pies every day, if I could!” – Camden

“People’s Pies are the very best savory pies I’ve ever tasted! They look like works of art and taste so good! Made entirely with local and organic ingredients, if you ever get a chance, you will not be disappointed.” – Abby